NACC 2012 and iPad Winner

NACC 2012 and iPad Winner

Eclipse Digital Media NACC Conference and Exhibition Hilton Blackpool iPad Winner
Last week, Eclipse Digital Media attended the 25th NACC forum in Blackpool and exhibited the latest in Digital Signage technology, including our innovative Digital Menu Boards.

On our stand we were asking people who had shown an interest in booking a full demonstration of our Digital Signage to enter their names into a prize draw to win an iPad – and now it’s time to announce the winner, so with a drum roll please, the winner is………….

Julie Moakes from Sodexo Healthcare

Congratulations to Julie, your iPad will be winging its way to you very soon.

Overall, the NACC conference opened our eyes to whole world of inspiring people and we are very grateful to have met so many wonderful people. Eclipse Digital Media will be joining the NACC South East region and attending our first regional meeting before the year end. A huge round of applause goes to all those that organised the event and for putting on such a memorable show… all hail Lord Kellow and his bit on the side!

Looking forward to meeting up with you all again soon!

NACC 2012 and iPad Winner

Eclipse Digital at NACC Blackpool 2012

Eclipse Digital will be travelling to Blackpool to exhibit at the 25th National Association of Care Catering (NACC) conference and training/development programme on Wednesday 19th September to Friday 21st September.

We have been hard at work putting the final touches together on our stand where we will be showcasing the latest innovations in Digital Signage technology including:

  • Touch screen menu ordering
  • Touch screen way finding
  • Touch screen feedback gathering
  • Digital menu boards using DCE (Data Connection Engine)
  • Instantly updated calendars via DCE (Data Connection Engine)
  • The latest 9.2 version ONELAN UI software

We want to show you how digital signage can not only streamline your catering services by improving efficiency but also how it can provide an extremely cost effective and informative way to interact with your clients.

If you drop by our stand not only will we showcase the latest digital signage technology for you but we will also be putting an iPad up for grabs over the course of the exhibition.

Our stand is ‘lucky number 7’ – we looking forward to meeting you on Wednesday!